Frying Oil Test Strips

Frying Oil Test Strips

£45.00 In Stock Sold out

These Frying Oil Quality Test Strips are a reliable tool to maintain the high quality of your fried food, ensuring cost savings by preventing premature disposal of cooking oil. Suitable for use in animal, vegetable, and A/V blend frying oil (shortening), these test strips come in storage bottles containing 100 Oil Quality Test Strips, complete with an easy-to-read color chart.

To test your fryer oil, grasp the test strip by its long white end and immerse it into the oil (maximum temperature of 40 °C) until the entire colored band is submerged. Keep the test strip in the oil for 2 seconds, then remove and wait for 2 minutes. Afterward, compare the strip to the provided color chart.

It is advisable to test the frying oil at the beginning of each shift or working day, before applying heat to the oil. To ensure accuracy, store the test strips in a dry environment, avoiding exposure to water or oil before use.

ETI test strips are designed to measure Free Fatty Acids (FFA), carboxylic acids with long chains. The higher the concentration of free fatty acids, the higher the Acid Value (AV).

Acid Value represents the amount of potassium hydroxide (KOH) needed to neutralize the fatty acids in 1 gram of oil sample. When the reagent end of the test strip is submerged for 2 seconds, the fatty acids in the oil react with Potassium Hydroxide in the reagent.

After 2 minutes, the color-changing chemical compound in the reagent reflects the mg/KOH/g required to neutralize the FFA in the oil. This color can be matched with the chart on the bottle: 0-0.5 is IDEAL, 1.5-2.5 is CAUTION, and 3.0-5.0 is BAD. Free Fatty Acids indicate the presence of impurities in the oil but do not provide information about the age of the fat.