How to Use and Maintain Your IR Instruments
Infrared thermometers are only useful for measuring surface temperatures from a distance. They provide reasonably accurate temperatures without requiring you to touch the measured object. This tool is handy when a surface is out of reach, and a surface probe will not suffice.
How to Get Accurate Readings?
- Try to get as close to the measured object as possible, and always ensure that you are perpendicular to the measured surface.
- Maintain a clean and debris-free lens.
- Make sure the batteries are charged and not running low.
- Allow the thermometer to acclimate to the surrounding temperature.
- The best results are obtained when the surface is matte black.
- With your instrument, wear a protective silicone boot.
- Remember that the laser pointer is not measuring the temperature; it is simply assisting you in aiming correctly.
- Regular accuracy checks with a comparator at room temperature (recommended in conjunction with a reference thermometer) or an ice bath at 0°C are recommended.
- Get a calibration certificate.
- Only use medically approved devices, not a catering or industrial infrared thermometer, to take a person's temperature.
Using Your Infrared Thermometer in a Cold or Hot Environment
Allowing your instrument to acclimate to the room's ambient temperature for up to 30 minutes will improve the readings, as an instrument taken from a warm room to a cold storage unit can show incorrect readings of up to 4.1 °C.
It will also prevent the rapid formation of condensation or ice crystals on the infrared sensor. If you're measuring the temperatures of objects in a cold storage unit or freezer, we recommend leaving the instrument in there for up to 30 minutes to get the best results.
If you have other applications, you may need to use more than one infrared instrument.
Cleaning Your Infrared Thermometer
- To provide accurate readings, infrared thermometers must be kept clean of dirt, dust, moisture, fog, smoke, and debris. If these conditions exist, consider using a surface temperature probe or non-infrared thermometer to measure surface temperatures.
- Keep your infrared thermometer dry, cool, and safe from drops and knocks.
- Never immerse your infrared thermometer in water.
- You should also schedule a six-month cleaning cycle. It is critical to keep the infrared lens or opening clean and debris-free.
To Clean Your Infrared Thermometer:
- Use a soft cloth or cotton swab with water or medical alcohol – never use soap or chemicals.
- Wipe the lens and then the thermometer's body with care.
- Allow the lens to dry completely before using the thermometer.
Industry Superstore’s Best Selling Infrared Thermometers
- Thermapen IR Infrared Thermometer With Foldaway Probe
- IR-pocket Thermometer - Infrared Thermometer
- Raytemp HSE IR Thermometer
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